Professional E-learning Voice Over | Amazing Voice (AU)
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Learning is Made Easy and Effective with a Narrator Voice

The way people learn is changing. More and more we are turning to online schooling (eLearning), multi-media resources, course/research presentations, company training modules and countless other types of audio material to educate ourselves and others.

A very high percentage of how people learn and retain information is auditory; so it is important that this educational audio is high-quality, read in the correct style and organized for easy implementation.

Amazing Voice has produced a wide variety of Educational Audio for Schools, Universities, Colleges, Language/Business Institutes, Corporate Training, Trade Schools and eLearning sites, software and applications.

Our professional narrator voice talents have years of experience recording voice narrations for all types of educational platforms, and can achieve the correct clarity, tone, emphasis and pace that best suits any type of production. From kindergarten to graduate programs. From basic vocabulary to medical training. From ESL to advanced trade curriculums. Knowledge is power – and professional audio from Amazing Voice is a powerful tool for learning.

Get your voice narration now

We provide Voice Narration for Language Institutes/Courses

There has never been a greater demand for learning new languages. And this specialized type of education has always been primarily based on “speaking and listening”. Foreign/Second language courses predominantly use audio resources as a way for their students to effectively increase their language skills at any level - From beginning children’s grammar to international business languages. There is a very specific way in which this material needs to be read for maximum clarity and ease of retention. We have years of experience in helping people from around the world learn new and exciting languages.

Language Training Sample 1

Language Training Sample 2

Language Training Sample 3

Language Training Sample 4

Online Education (eLearning) Voice Narration

The use of online courses, tutorials, training modules, presentations and programs are at an all-time high. Increasingly, schools and students alike are relying on eLearning to advance their education. Amazing Voice has worked with Elementary Schools, Universities, Colleges, Business/Trade Schools and Curriculum Directors to help develop the programs with which their students learn and advance their skill-set.

As any teacher can attest, educating people with the spoken word is a highly developed skill. Give yourself/your students the best resources possible with an Amazing Voice.

Education e-Learning Sample 1

Education e-Learning Sample 2

Education e-Learning Sample 3

Education e-Learning Sample 4

Narrator Voice for Employee Training

Everyone either has a job or wants one. And every job requires some type of training, development, certification or education. Many companies and businesses around the world are finding it effective and cost efficient to present this material in an audio format, to complement their multi-media presentation/video or as an online production.

Do you have business that requires some training for new hires? Or to further the development of your existing staff? Do you have a new program or initiative that you would like to implement and want to get your employees up to par quickly and effectively? Or do you have program in place that would be augmented by professional audio? From Bakeries to International Banks – Amazing Voice can help your employees and your company get the training it needs in a competitive market.

Company Training Sample 1

Company Training Sample 2

Company Training Sample 3

Company Training Sample 4

Narrator Voice for Course/Research presentations

The next great minds and ideas of our time are likely being developed in the halls of higher learning. Universities, Colleges and High-Schools are finding that they have a great need for auditory learning tools – indeed some studies show that up to 65% of how people learn is auditory. Multi-media and Online Resources are replacing Chalkboards and Text Books.

And for students - Presenting exciting new research or course material to your fellow students, teachers or to the general public can be made more effective by enhancing your hard work, with a professional narrator voice – and make a greater impact on your captivated audience.

Course/Research Sample 1

Course/Research Sample 2

Course/Research Sample 3

Course/Research Sample 4

Narrator Voice for Audio Manuals/Technical Training

So you have a new product or service that you want to share with the world. And while the idea is exciting and the product/service is ready to go, there is a lot behind it that people will need to know or want to ask – And you need to make sure this information is available and easy to understand. Product Manuals, Software Tutorials, Instructional or Technical Modules, How-To’s and Do-It-Yourself Productions/Videos, FAQ’s – can all be made more comprehensive with a professional narrator voice.

Technical Training Sample 1

Technical Training Sample 2

Technical Training Sample 3

Technical Training Sample 4

General Public Announcement Voice Narration

Is there some sort of information that you want the general public to know? An important message, instruction or warning that needs to be heard? Amazing Voice has helped convey the information that is vital to you/your institutions – from Public Broadcast Systems, Special Announcements, and audio for Live Events, Government Information, Alert Systems/Emergency Procedures, Disclaimers and more.

When you need the general public to stop and listen your important message, you need the right voice – captivating or authoritative - it all depends on what you’re trying to say. But Amazing Voice has the voice talent and engineering experience to make certain that your message “pops” and is never missed.

Public Announcement Sample 1

Public Announcement Sample 2

Public Announcement Sample 3

Public Announcement Sample 4

Conversational (Character) Voice Narration

The use of conversational (character) voices is becoming more commonplace in elearning voice narration.

Conversational narrator voice requires a manner of interpretation and vocal delivery that mimics how an actual person speaks in live interactions. The use of a character narrator voice lends authenticity to the training program, which helps the listener better relate to different scenarios and better holds their interest.

We can help you source the right narrator voices for your project. Just reach out to us for help!

Character Sample 1

Character Sample 2

Character Sample 3

Character Sample 4

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